Sunday, December 9, 2007

Grand Prairie Lights


Jaime said...

Love the picture with Kasey and the tongue :) Is he your wild child? You know that you at least have to have one of those :) How exciting to go to Germany. Take tons of pictures and be sure to post em. I'll probably never get there so I will have to live my life through you on this one :)

Anonymous said...

Youre going to Germany? Lucky. I want to get there in the next few years to visit my cousins and relatives. Are you taking the kids? After my Florida trip, I learned that if you want to relax, leave em at home! If youre going before June 23rd, can I join you there?

Summer said...

Hi Lisa,
I saw you on Tanya's blog, how are you??? I'm so glad to see you are doing well in Texas. Your kids are so cute! I can't believe how big they have gotten!
Take care

I intend to help my children live a longer life than me.

Tom's Farms - Aug 2008

Tom's Farms - Aug 2008